CBC Test

Complete Blood Count Test in Delhi & Gurgaon

What is Complete Blood Count?

Complete blood count (CBC) is an important initial test which checks the number and type of blood cells. It is helpful in understanding the overall health condition and diagnosing disease conditions such as anaemia, infection, inflammatory conditions and bleeding disorders.

We, at Dr. Dangs Lab counter check all the CBCs manually after processing in automated counters for accurate reporting. This also helps the pathologist to identify any incidental finding that guides the physician to take appropriate treatment decisions.

  • Haemoglobin is a pigment present in the red blood cells. It carries oxygen from the lungs to various body tissues. Deficiency of Haemoglobin may be indicative of reduced oxygen carrying capacity of blood. Reduced haemoglobin levels indicate anaemia.
  • Total Leucocyte Count is the count of white blood cells per unit volume of blood. Increased total leucocyte count may be indicative of infections or inflammation, while decreased total leucocyte count may cause a decrease in the body's ability to fight diseases.
  • Red Blood Cell Count In this test the total number of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) are counted per microlitre of blood. A low or high RBC count may be indicative of various health related conditions.
  • Packed Cell VolumeThe packed cell volume (PCV) is a measurement of the proportion of blood that is made up of Red blood cells. It may be indicative of dehydration, anaemia and increase in blood cells
  • MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume) is a measure of the mean size of the RBCs. It is able to assess the presence of certain types of anaemia.
  • MCH ( Mean Corpuscular Hb) It is the average amount of haemoglobin in RBCs.
  • MCHC ( Mean Corpuscular Hb Conc.) It is the average concentration of haemoglobin in your red blood cells.
  • Red Cell Distribution Width It measures the difference in volume and size of RBCs.
  • Platelet Platelets are essential for blood clot formation. Too high or too low platelet count may be indicative of various health problems. A decreased platelet count is called thrombocytopenia, and is commonly caused primarily by decreased bone marrow production, certain viral fevers, and due to certain drugs. An elevated platelet count, or thrombocytosis, can also be caused primarily by bone marrow stimulation. Increased platelets may also result from an acute response to physiologic stress, such as infection or inflammation.
Differential Leucocyte Count

    There are primarily five types of white blood cells, each with different functions: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. The differential reveals if these cells are present in normal proportion to one another, or if there is presence of immature or abnormal cells. This information is helpful in diagnosing specific types of illnesses that affect the immune system.

  • Neutrophil. Neutrophils increase in number and respond rapidly in inflammatory processes, tissue injury and bacterial/fungal infection.
  • Lymphocyte. Lymphocytes are the WBCs that secrete antibodies, and kill virus infected cells and tumour cells. Increased levels usually indicate viral infections.
  • Monocyte. Monocytes are a type of WBCs that have an important role in inflammation and fighting infections. Increased monocytes are usually indicative of viral infections.
  • Eosinophil. Eosinophils are a type of WBCs that have the ability to fight allergic conditions. Normally your body has a very small number of eosinophils but they increase in number if you have allergic disorders (eg. asthma), parasitic or fungal infections or some skin diseases.
  • Basophil. Basophil’s makeup only a small portion of your WBCs but play an important role in inflammatory and allergic reactions of your body. They release histamine and other chemicals. Histamine is the chemical that causes symptoms of allergy
Understanding the Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test:

The Complete Blood Count (CBC) test is a common blood test that provides vital information about different components of blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. It aids in assessing overall health, diagnosing various conditions, and monitoring treatment responses.

Importance of CBC Test:

Comprehensive Blood Assessment: CBC tests provide a detailed analysis of blood components, helping in diagnosing and managing a wide range of conditions.
Monitoring Health Conditions: It assists in monitoring existing health conditions, such as anemia, infections, blood disorders, and certain cancers.

Key Parameters and Their Significance:

    1-Red Blood Cells (RBCs):

    • Essential for oxygen transport.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Anemia, hydration issues, marrow diseases.

    2-Hemoglobin (Hb):

    • Oxygen-carrying component in RBCs.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Anemia, respiratory diseases, dietary deficiencies.

    3-Hematocrit (Hct):

    • Percentage of RBCs in blood.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Anemia, dehydration, marrow disorders.

    4-White Blood Cells (WBCs):

    • Indicators of immune response.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Infections, marrow diseases, immune disorders.


    • Crucial for blood clotting.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Clotting issues, autoimmune diseases, medication effects.

    6-Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV):

    • Average RBC size.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: B12/folate deficiency, anemia, liver disease.

    7-Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH):

    • Average hemoglobin per RBC.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Iron deficiency, thalassemia, lead exposure.

    8-Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC):

    • Hemoglobin concentration in RBCs.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Spherocytosis, hemolytic anemia, liver issues.

    9-Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW):

    • RBC size variation.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Anemia types, heart conditions, nutrient deficiencies.

    10-Differential Count (Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, etc.):

    • Types of WBCs, each with specific roles.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Specific infections, allergies, blood cancers.

    11-Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR):

    • Measures inflammation.
    • Abnormalities Indicate: Inflammation, infection, cancer, autoimmune diseases.
Reference Ranges:


  • HAEMOGLOBIN [SLS, Hb detection method] - 13 - 17 g/dL
  • TOTAL LEUCOCYTE COUNT [Flow cytometer]- 4000 - 11000 Cells/cu.mm
  • RED BLOOD CELL COUNT [Hydrodynamic focussing and Impedance]- 4.5 - 5.5 mill/cu.mm
  • PACKED CELL VOLUME [Pulse height detection
  • method]- 40 - 50 %
  • MCV (MEAN CORPUSCULAR VOLUME) [Calculated]- 80 - 100 pg
  • MCH (MEAN CORPUSCULAR HB) [Calculated] - 26 - 32 pg
  • MCHC (MEAN CORPUSCULAR HB CONC) -[Calculated]- 32 - 37 g/dL
  • RED CELL DISTRIBUTION WIDTH [Calculated]- 11.5 - 15.5 %
  • PLATELET COUNT [Hydrodynamic focussing and Impedance]- 150000 - 450000 /cu.mm
  • LYMPHOCYTES- 20 - 40 %
  • MONOCYTES - 2 - 10 %
  • EOSINOPHILS - 1 - 6 %
  • BASOPHILS - 0 - 2 %
  • NEUTROPHIL - 1800 - 7700 cells/mm3
  • LYMPHOCYTE - 1000-4800 cells/mm3
  • MONOCYTE - 0-800 cells/mm3
  • EOSINOPHIL - 0-450 cells/mm3
  • BASOPHIL - 0-200 cells/mm3
Interpretation of CBC Results:

Red Blood Cells: Low levels might indicate anemia, while high levels could suggest polycythemia or dehydration.
White Blood Cells: Elevated levels might signal infection or inflammation, while low levels could indicate conditions affecting the immune system.
Platelets: Abnormal levels might indicate clotting disorders or problems with bone marrow function.

What to Expect During CBC Test:

    A CBC test involves a blood draw from a vein, usually in the arm. It's a standard procedure that doesn’t require fasting.

FAQs About CBC Test

    Question: What’s a CBC test for?
    Answer: To assess overall blood health and detect a variety of conditions.

    Question: How often should I get a CBC?
    Answer: As recommended by your doctor, usually during routine check-ups or if symptoms suggest.

    Question: Is fasting required for a CBC?
    Answer: No, fasting is not typically required.

    Question: Can a CBC detect cancer?
    Answer:It can indicate the possibility, but further testing is necessary for a cancer diagnosis.

    Question: Symptoms requiring a CBC?
    Answer: Fatigue, weakness, fever, bruising, or bleeding.

    Question: Time to get CBC results?
    Answer: Usually within 24-48 hours.

    Question: Can I interpret my CBC report?
    Answer: Basic interpretation is possible, but consult a doctor for a detailed understanding.

    Question: What’s a normal hemoglobin level?
    Answer:For men: 13.8 to 17.2 grams/dL; women: 12.1 to 15.1 grams/dL. Varies lab to lab .

    Question: Improving hemoglobin levels naturally?
    Answer: Through iron-rich foods, vitamin C, and possibly supplements if needed.

    Question: What does high WBC count mean?
    Answer: It can indicate infection, inflammation, or sometimes leukemia.

    Question: Can a CBC detect heart problems?
    Answer: Not directly, but can hint at related issues.

    Question:Effect of dehydration on CBC?
    Answer: Can falsely elevate certain components like Hb, PCV , RBC count.

    Question: Does a CBC diagnose anemia?
    Answer: Yes, it’s a primary test for detecting anemia.

    Question: What are platelets?
    Answer: Cells that help blood clot.

    Question: Causes of low platelet count?
    Answer: Bone marrow disorders, autoimmune diseases, certain medications.

    Question: How do infections affect CBC?
    Answer: Often increase WBC count.

    Question: Can stress impact CBC results?
    Answer: Chronic stress can, but typically not acute stress.

    Question: MCV vs MCH in CBC?
    Answer: MCV measures size of RBCs, MCH measures hemoglobin amount per RBC.

    Question: Risks with a CBC test?
    Answer: Minimal, mainly discomfort or bruising at the blood draw site.

    Question: Do lifestyle changes impact CBC?
    Answer: Yes, diet, exercise, and overall health can impact the CBC in the long term .

Questions to Ask Your Doctor about CBC:
    • When discussing your CBC Test results with your doctor, consider asking:
    • Interpretation of Results: What do my CBC Test results indicate about my blood components? Are there any abnormalities or concerns?
    • Red Blood Cell Levels Interpretation: How do my red blood cell counts, hemoglobin, and hematocrit levels compare to the recommended ranges?
    • White Blood Cell Count Interpretation: Are my white blood cell counts within the normal range? What does the differential count reveal about different types of white blood cells?
    • Platelet Count Interpretation: Are my platelet counts normal? What implications do abnormal platelet counts have?
    • Potential Causes of Abnormal Results: Besides blood-related issues, what other factors might contribute to abnormal CBC Test results?
    • Anemia or Blood Disorders Assessment: Do my CBC Test results suggest anemia, blood disorders, or specific conditions affecting blood components?
    • Immune System Evaluation: How do my white blood cell counts reflect the status of my immune system? Are there concerns regarding immune function?
    • Monitoring Response to Treatment: Can CBC tests track the effectiveness of ongoing treatments or therapies for specific conditions?
    • Impact of Lifestyle on Blood Components: How do lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, or smoking influence CBC results, if at all?
    • Frequency of CBC Testing: How often should I have follow-up CBC tests or other assessments to monitor blood components?
    • Nutritional Considerations: Are there specific dietary recommendations to maintain or improve blood components indicated by the CBC Test results?
    • Influence of Age and Gender on Results: How does age or gender influence the interpretation of CBC results in my case?
    • Medication Adjustments: Should I consider changes in my current medications or dosage based on these CBC Test results?
    • Blood Component Trends Over Time: How do these CBC Test results compare with my previous test results? Is there a trend that needs attention?
    • Further Diagnostic Steps: Are there additional tests or evaluations needed to better understand the underlying cause of abnormal CBC Test results?