Process -Sample is stained with a special dye and examined under a microscope.
Use - Identify acid-fast bacilli (AFB) that cause tuberculosis.
GeneXpert UltraProcess -A molecular test that uses PCR technology to detect the DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Use - Rapid diagnosis of TB along with Rifampicin resistance detection.
TB Gold Quantiferon Plus (IGRA)Process - A blood test that detects the presence of a specific immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Use - Primarily for Latent TB infection
Mantoux testProcess - A skin test where a small amount of purified protein derivative (PPD) is injected into the skin, and the resulting immune response is measured
Use - Primarily for Latent TB infection.
Rapid AFB Culture (MGIT)Process -A culture-based test where a sample is incubated in a special medium
Use - Detection of Mycobacteria
AFB Culture Susceptibility testing (MGIT)-5 drug panelProcess -- A culture-based test that determines the susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to different antibiotics
Use - - Used to guide treatment decisions for tuberculosis
Hain’s Line Probe Assay (First Line)-MDRProcess -A molecular test that identifies mutations in the genes associated with resistance to first-line tuberculosis drugs.
Use - For MDR Tuberculosis.
Hain’s Line Probe Assay (Second Line)-XDRProcess - A molecular test that identifies mutations in the genes associated with resistance to second-line tuberculosis Drugs
Use - For XDR Tuberculosis.
Mycobacteria other than Tuberculosis Identification (Line Probe Assay)nProcess - A molecular test that identifies Atypical mycobacteria.
Use - Rapid identification of common Mycobacteria other than TB.